Fun Work In Progress

by | Oct 18, 2021 | News

Website is still under construction

This site is under construction and a constant work in progress cool But I’m getting ahead of myself, so let’s start from the beginning.

I know that

I have been absent for a long time from my website and it was all due to personal reasons. Not much I could do about it and you know what? 

It’s okay!

So to get back I slowly started making art again and, oh have I missed it. I love coming up with images, finding the right textures, setting up scenes and rendering them, etc.

So after a while of making art again, posting on social media, setting up a shop on pixels here,

I decided it was time to do some serious work on my website, and, oh boy, a lot has changed. It’s kinda like starting from scratch again, learning all the ins and outs of building a website and using a visual builder.

And I have made a lot of mistakes, mainly because I just threw myself into it and tried stuff, instead of taking my time to actually read some documentation.

So, yeah, it takes a bit longer than it could have, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be finished.

It’s fun though, but you might see some strange things occurring here and there, while I try to get it to look like I want it to.

While messing around, it suddenly struck me, I seem to remember years ago, there was a visual builder plugin for WordPress. It was quite slow and buggy back then, and I can’t remember what it was called.

If you know the name, please let me know in the comments 🙂

Oh, and I would love to know if you ever tried something similar. Being away from something for a long time and then got back to it and you had to learn a lot of new stuff?

Please share your story in the comments 🙂

Thanks for reading!

-Henriette aka Ferretmania


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